We have to remember that the vineyard is a rainfed crop , but if it is watered in the months of greatest demand JUNE-JULY-AUGUST it will not hurt at all, especially in young plantations.

Once the plantation is established it is another matter, but at the beginning it is interesting to water, at least one watering a month, even if it is manual.

We propose some essential drip irrigation accessories in the irrigation installation.

Irrigation and production targets

For table grapes, irrigation is practically essential, because our production objectives are completely different. Here we look for large bunches and large berries, which are juicy and appetizing and which “enter by sight”, without losing the flavor.

The production objective in viticulture for winemaking is the complete opposite.

We look for small Mayas and small clusters , because it is in this type of grape that the best wines are made.

Today, in professional viticulture and due to mechanization issues and the depreciation of farms, there are a significant number of plantations that are installed with irrigation from the beginning.

The most widely used systems are underground irrigation and aerial irrigation , both with dripping flow rates of 4 liters per hour.

In buried irrigation , the distance between drips that works well is 50 cm and in aerial irrigation , the hoses with integrated meter dropper work well.

If the unevenness is significant and the plots are very large, the use of self-compensating drippers is recommended This type of dripping works in such a way that until the entire circuit reaches the working pressure, none of them open.

In this way it is avoided that the drips at the beginning of the line throw more water than those at the end of the line. They are a little more expensive , but as I say their use is justified in large plots or with significant slopes.

 Drip Irrigation Hoses

I always recommend a 16mm irrigation tube (which is the standard) with integrated drippers at 50cm. Integrated drip hose. In this way the hose is distributed and there will be strains that the drip will fall on them and others will not, but as it is, it looks good.

The root system of the strain is powerful enough to fetch the water source.

The other issue is to take a blind hose and puncture drips where the strain is, but this in the end what usually causes is that the plant has an excess of humidity at the base and triggers diseases related to excess water. This is solved by puncturing the drip between strains.

Drip irrigation hoses 16mm

The irrigation hoses can be smooth and we will insert the drips where we think appropriate or they can already be with integrated drippers .

Drips for irrigation

There are drips of many flows and of many types. To choose the type of drip that interests us, we have to look at basically 3 things:

  1. The drips that are integrated into the hose and those that have to be punctured by hand.
  2. Those that are self-compensating and those that are not.
  3. The flow rate of each drip.

Choose here the dripper for irrigation that suits your needs

Pieces for 16mm pipe

The essential accessories to install an irrigation system are the following, the straight link, the 90 degree elbow, the T and the tap.

Dr. Sofia Seccombe

My name is Dr. Sofia Seccombe, and in this small section, I want to tell you who I am and why I started this project. I don't want to bore you, but I consider that it is an important part of godlywine. It serves as an exercise in transparency so that the person who reads the articles can be sure that the information is reliable.

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